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Monday, March 9, 2009

Stay Tuned, loyal readers!

Last time I wrote, life was hectic, I was very busy, and frankly I could not make time in my life for my favorite hobby, writing. Thats not a good state to be in. But then the unthinkable happened and suddenly I had all the time in the world. My company invited me, and about 100 of my peers, to take early retirement. They invited me to fire myself, and they offered some nice incentives. Now this was just before the whole economic system fell off the edge. Things were slowing, there were some headline articles using the "R" word. Housing seemed to be the real problem. Greedy lenders, unsophisticated buyers, all riding the crest of a wave that had to break sooner or later. Well, all that has now happened, and we are learning that housing was just one of many shaky bits. We've learned just how special some high level management folks think they are, losing millions for their shareholders while pocketing millions in options and bonuses and other perks, and haughtily saying they "deserve" it all. Well, it seems to me that if you own a bit of my business and I run it into the ground, you are not going to be too eager to give me a bonus for losing your money. Am I just missing something here?

Enough of that. It's all been talked to death already, and there are no quick cures for what ails us now. We have not seen the bottom. We have nothing with which to compare this quagmire. So lets talk about something else. Something much more personal. I'm learning that as we age certain things are likely to happen. Among them is the likelihood that some things won't work quite like they used to, and some things will send us some very painful messages to let us know they are not working so well any longer. The doctors have a nice word for that. Neuropathy, nerve pain. I know. So I'm asking you to please stay tuned here, check in once in awhile, because I'm going to start telling you all about neuropathy and what you might be able to do to relieve some (or all) of your nerve pain, with the advice and consent and help of your doctor, of course. I don't believe in the shotgun approach to resolving illnesses as a general rule. But in my case, I'm throwing everything I have at this because frankly, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I unexpectedly found myself retired, and in too much pain to even celebrate my new freedom. So I'm not really very patient with the idea of being a patient right now.

Either right here on this blog, or on a website or blog I will direct you too, I will provide some information about various therapies I am doing and affiliate links you can use to buy the devices I'm using. This is not intended to be medical advice. I am not qualified to do that. This is more in the nature of a personal testimonial concerning some severe nerve pain and how I am learning to deal with it. I urge you to make your doctor, naturopath, chiropractor, or who ever else you consult, your ally in dealing with this so that you can get on with enjoying your life.

As I began to experience these pains, I was clueless as to what was happening to me, who I should consult with, or how to simply get through the next night. Since it is more narrowly focused than I wanted this blog to be, I am leaning toward starting a new blog or creating a website just for nerve pain, with special concern for the baby boomers who have become loyal readers. I've enjoyed writing for many years, and I do appreciate the occasional e-mails some of you have sent. I hope to hear from more of you and more often, now that I have more time to read and reply. I hope to have this new site ready for you by the end of March, '09.

Stay Tuned!!

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