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Monday, January 14, 2008

Weight Loss Project - update

Tomorrow evening will mark 7 full days on my modified juicing fast, so I'll weigh in and let you know how the first week went. I actually started my project on a Friday, but didn't add the juice fast to it until last Wednesday morning.

Now I must 'fess up. I broke my own rules this last weekend while watching the NFL playoffs, and devoured an order of boneless, skinless wings. Still, I think they were fairly low-fat, and besides, the weight loss has continued fairly well, so I don't feel too guilty. No, that's not accurate. I don't feel even a little bit guilty. I want to be consistent with everything I've said in the past about dieting. DON'T go on a diet. Just don't waste your time. Instead, change your eating habits. If one certain day you just have an urge, and you keep it in moderation, so what? It is the day to day habitual pattern that will make all the difference in your life. If you are in the habit of eating a big bowl of ice cream each evening, that is likely to be a big problem for you eventually. However, if your daily routine is to eat a healthy, balanced meal each evening and you usually refrain from eating dessert, one bowl of ice cream should be yours to enjoy with no guilt. Just not every night.

Make it your goal to eat a well balanced, varied diet, with lots of brightly colored fresh fruits and vegetables in it. Try to avoid too many meals that fit the traditional pattern of meat, veggie, and a carbohydrate. The typical "white, brown, and green" meal of a baked potato, steak, and string beans. Not good. You would be better off to eat the potatoe and skip the meat, or eat the meat and skip the potato. Also, forget about three square meals a day, and shoot for five smaller meals a day. If you eat every three hours or so, smaller meals each time, you will more completely digest each meal and maintain a healthier glucose level in your system. Just make sure your last meal is at leat three to four hours before bedtime. Don't drink cold drinks with your meal either. A quick fast food burger with greasy fries and a soft drink will not do your long term health much good. Better to skip all drinks during and right after a meal.

Tommorow night - the weigh in!

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