The term Baby Boomer refers only to those born from 1945 or 46 to 1965 or 66. But did you know that it also refers only to those born in Australia, England, Canada, and the United States?
Today folks from that group live and work all over the world. This is the largest defined group in the world not having solely to do with a specific race or nationality. They present some interesting challenges and opportunities for society in the years ahead.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Where are all the Baby Boomers?
Posted by Jack at 8:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Where are they now?
Hazards of Chlorine
Chlorine in the drinking water is still a relatively new concept, and the unintended consequences have only come to light in the last two decades. The problem is that the "light" hasn't been very bright. One EPA report back in 1994 got very little attention in the media, and I doubt if you ever heard a thing about it. The problem is not just in the water you drink. If you have chlorine in the water entering your house, it is also what you shower with. The skin absorption of chlorine as well as the inhalation of chlorine vapors when you shower may also have unfortunate consequences. This link will help you get a basic understanding of the risks.
At a minimum, it may be wise to put a small filter on your faucet and filter all the water you drink or cook with. You can also buy a shower head/filter that will remove most or all of the chlorine and other heavy metals from your shower. Another alternative is a "whole house" filter system placed on the incoming supply line. Whatever your solution, remember that filters must periodically be changed or you'll wind up right back where you started. Also, a bit of research reveals that there have been many reports published concerning the chlorine risks to swimmers, especially those who compete and are constantly training in the pool. Greatest risks for swimmers are those super-chlorinated indoor pools, because they not only have the skin absorption but the steamy vapors common to the venues. These are not "the sky is falling!" alarmist warnings. The risks are well documented. Abnormally high chlorine exposure is a very common link when bladder cancer (and other organ cancers) studies tabulate their results.
Posted by Jack at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sugar or Sucralose? You decide.
Too much suger can cause a multitude of health problems over time. We've all heard that.
But is sucralose a safe alternative? You decide. Sucralose is made by chlorinating sugar.
Hmm. Doesn't sound so good to me. In fact, I'd rather just exercise a little self control and stick with sugar minus the chlorine. Remember the old saying, "All things in moderation." If you have experiences to share concerning this, please do.
Posted by Jack at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Tired all the time?
Ask your doctor or nutritionist about CoEnzymeQ10. If you take medication to reduce cholesterol, chances are it is reducing the level of CoQ10 in your body as well. No wonder you don't have any energy. CoQ10 is produced naturally by the body and has much to do with energy at the cell level. A supplement may be just what you need.
Posted by Jack at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Monday, October 29, 2007
Every 8 Seconds
Every eight seconds another boomer turns 60. You're not alone. In fact, with more than 75 million boomers in the US alone, you can have a tremendous impact on the problems or opportunities the rest of the country is frustrated by. Think of the influence you could have on things like TV programming, advertising, the news media, public services, and more. There is nothing wrong with politely but firmly expressing your opinion to key decision makers like television programmers, for example. If enough other boomers do so, maybe some of the gratuituous sex, greed, and violence can be removed. Got any other ideas. Please share them here.
Posted by Jack at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: A Huge Group
Its a Fact!
The amount of water you waste by letting it run while brushing your teeth is about the same amount that a family of four has to survive on all day in a number of third world countries.
Posted by Jack at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Conserve Water
Water shortage? Tips and tricks
If you have some house plants or a select few plantings outside but want to conserve water, try placing a plastic bucket in your shower. The water you catch while showering would have gone down the drain anyway. Use it to do a bit of watering. If the soaps and shampoos you use in the shower don't harm you, they likely will not harm any plants either. Do you have other suggestions? Please share them here.
Posted by Jack at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Conserve Water
Friday, October 26, 2007
Life begins at...
You're not getting older, you're getting better! Remember that clever bit of marketing? Well, if you don't wait until you're 90 to start taking care of yourself, it might actually be true. As we age, things begin to wear out, ache, or just quit. But by maintaining this vehicle we call the human body, it can serve us well into the so-called "golden years". Like your car, once you get a lot of miles on the body, you need to do a bit more maintenance. Use high-mileage oil in your car, and supplements in your body.
Now, I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV, but I've been reading and writing about health and fitness for a number of years. For several years now I've done a little guest spot on a morning radio show in Australia where we talk about these issues and a wide array of other topics, including global warming, greenhouse gases (is that even a proper term?), drought, floods, aging, and anything else that pops up in the news. I also occasionally get to read one of my essays. Maybe I can publish some of them here. They are relatively short and sometimes good for a chuckle. In any case I don't give medical advice, and I urge you to consult with a licensed physician, nutritionist, psychologist, chiropractor, or other professional before you go off and do something totally new. What I express here and on my website are merely opinions based on things I've read or heard in a seminar, or discovered in my research.
Now back to the topic at hand for a moment. Life begins at conception, according to all the science I've been able to examine. But this thing about life beginning at 50 has always fascinated me. I couldn't wait for my life to begin. I rushed headlong into 5o. And then I discovered that life really begins at whatever age you finally realize just how precious it is, and begin to take care of it like the wonderful gift it is. I remember several years ago laughing when a friend of mine who was in failing health said "If I had realized I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." Very funny at the time, but there is an eloquent truth there too. Please, take good care of yourself. Be responsible for your own well being. No one will do the job as well as you can.
Posted by Jack at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Essays